
Dandi Salt March


Dandi Salt March

With this virtual event, trace the path of Mahatma Gandhi’s original Dandi March at the convenience of your own location and time.

In the original march, Mahatma started from Sabarmati Ashram on March 12th, 1930, and covered the distance of 390 km in 25 days of which 3 were rest days. He thus covered the distance in 22 days of walking amounting to an average of 18 km per day. With the average no of steps for most of us being 1300, Mahatma walked near about 500,000 steps at an average of 23,000 steps per day.

In the virtual recreation of the historic Dandi March, the event starts from 2nd October 2023 marking Gandhi Jayanti, and ends on Jan 30th, 2023. In these 121 days, the participant is expected to cover the 500,000 steps at an average of 4000 steps each day or thereabouts.

Dandi Salt March and the Map

500K Step Challenge timeline path guide

02nd October 2023 to 30th January 2024

The start of Gandhiji's Walk

12th March, 1930

25480 Steps | 21 Km

12th March, 1930

Bareja Navagam
17640 Steps | 14 Km

Total: 43120 Steps | 35 Km

13th March, 1930

19600 Steps | 16 Km

Total: 62720 Steps | 51 Km

14th March, 1930

Dabhan Nadiad
29400 Steps | 24 Km

Total: 92120 Steps | 75 Km

15th March, 1930

Boriavi, Anand
29400 Steps | 24 Km

Total: 121520 Steps | 99 Km

16th March, 1930

Rest Day

Total: 121520 Steps | 99 Km

17th March, 1930

Napa, Borsad
21560 Steps | 18 Km

Total: 143080 Steps | 117 Km

18th March, 1930

Ras, Kankapura
23520 Steps | 19 Km

Total: 166600 Steps | 136 Km

19th March, 1930

21560 Steps | 18 Km

Total: 188160 Steps | 154 Km

20th March, 1930

gahera, Ankhi
21560 Steps | 18 Km

Total: 209720 Steps | 171 Km

21st March, 1930

23520 Steps | 19 Km

Total: 233240 Steps | 190 Km

22nd March, 1930

23520 Steps | 19 Km

Total: 256760 Steps | 210 Km

23rd March, 1930

Rest Day

Total: 256760 Steps | 210 Km

24th March, 1930

19600 Steps | 16 Km

Total: 276360 Steps | 226 Km

25th March, 1930

Bharuch(Broach), Ankaleshwar
25480 Steps | 21 Km

Total: 301840 Steps | 246 Km

26th March, 1930

23520 Steps | 19 Km

Total: 325360 Steps | 266 Km

27th March, 1930

Rayma, Umrachhi(Umrachi)
19600 Steps | 16 Km

Total: 344960 Steps | 282 Km

28th March, 1930

Ertham, Bhatgam
19600 Steps | 16 Km

Total: 364560 Steps | 298 Km

29th March, 1930

Sandhier, Delad
19600 Steps | 16 Km

Total: 384160 Steps | 314 Km

30th March, 1930

Rest Day

Total: 384160 Steps | 314 Km

31th March, 1930

Chhaprabhatha, Surat
21560 Steps | 18 Km

Total: 405720 Steps | 331 Km

1st April, 1930

Dindoli, Vanz
23520 Steps | 19 Km

Total: 429240 Steps | 350 Km

2nd April, 1930

Dhaman, Navsari
25480 Steps | 21 Km

Total: 454720 Steps | 371 Km

3rd April, 1930

Vejalpore(Vijalpur), Matwad
37240 Steps | 30 Km

Total: 491960 Steps | 402 Km

4th April, 1930

9800 Steps | 8 Km

Total: 501760 Steps | 410 Km

5th April, 1930